An open space to explore who Jesus is for yourself.

Renew Course

Can Jesus really make so much of a difference?

Renew Course is a free 6 week Explore Course that begins October 21 in the Church Hall, 2 Highbury Street Croydon. Each session of the course goes from 7:30pm-9pm over 6 Monday nights over dessert and a cuppa with a small, friendly group.

Is this all there is to life? What is the good life? What does it mean to be a Christian? Explore those questions by engaging with discussion, short talks and candid interviews. Renew Course requires no prior knowledge and is suitable for anyone who is ready for respectful discussion. Register now!

Monday nights

Explore Courses

As your local church in Croydon, we think Jesus is life-changing and want to provide spaces that anyone can encounter him for themselves.

Most people like the idea of Jesus but haven’t had the chance to explore who he is themselves. We invite you to consider (or re-consider) Christianity for yourself in a judgement free environment. On Monday Nights across the year, we run four different Explore Courses for adults from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Our courses have different flavours, but they each give you a chance to ask your questions in respectful discussion groups. Explore courses are free and there’s always some delicious food to enjoy. Just about everyone who’s come along has found it well worth their time, so we think you will too! Take the time to Explore Jesus for yourself.
